For members of the press: Download the Think Microgrid Media Kit to learn more about microgrids including what they are, their benefits, the outlook for the microgrid market and policy challenges and opportunities. The media kit also includes links to additional resources and examples of microgrids in action. Think Microgrid in the news: The Bottom Line of 3 New Studies: Microgrids Create ‘Once in a Generation Solution’ - Microgrid Knowledge article about three reports released in unison making a case for government action to support microgrids, citing data that they grow jobs, take on climate challenges and capture bipartisan support among Americans.
Press Inquiries Contact:
Cameron Brooks
Executive Director
Cameron Brooks is the executive director of Think Microgrid, a membership coalition that represents the microgrid industry in critical policy, legislative and regulatory discussions taking place in Washington, D.C., and at the state level across the country. Brooks also serves as the president of E9 Insight, a research firm focused on the US utility industry and the policy landscape surrounding it. E9’s clients include a wide range of technology companies, advocacy coalitions and government agencies, including the US Department of Energy and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Brooks founded Tolerable Planet Enterprises, an advisory firm that provides regulatory engagement and business development services, with a strong focus on developing coalitions for distributed energy technologies and open markets. Brooks has served in executive roles with clean energy companies and nonprofits, including Opus One Solutions, Tendril, Renewable Choice Energy and the Clean Energy States Alliance. He studied Ecologic Design at Yale University and holds an MBA from Cornell University. E9 and Brooks are based in Boulder, Colorado.